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Who can apply?

To apply to UWC from Greece you must meet the following criteria:

  1. be a citizen of Greece or long term resident (minimum three years), can speak greek and have all the legal documents to travel abroad.
  2. be 16 years and not more than 18 years old by September 30th of the year in which you are applying
  3. currently be in the first or second year of Secondary school (at least A’ Lykeiou) or equivalent (Year 11/12 for those in British curriculum schools, or Grade 10/11 for those in American curriculum schools)
  4. have a good academic record
  5. have adequate English language communication skills (English language proficiency is not an eligibility requirement but basic skills are needed if the students are to fully benefit from the programme)

For more information please contact the Greek UWC National Committee

What kind of education is offered at UWC?

Today, UWC has 18 schools and colleges on 4 continents, the majority of which focus exclusively on the 16-19 year-old age group: a time when young people’s energy and idealism can be guided towards empathy, responsibility and lifelong action. These colleges teach the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma as their formal curriculum, a qualification that UWC played a major part in developing, while also emphasising the importance of experiential learning, community service and outdoor activities.

What is the role of Greek National Committee?

Greece is one of the first countries to join the Movement of the United World Colleges. When the gates of the Atlantic College opened in 1962, at Saint Donat’s Castle in Wales - a medieval castle loaded with history, the first of the 18 up to date UWC - the first Greek scholar was there. During these years the Committee has helped more than 120 young Greeks to attain a remarkable learning experience. The Committee consists of volunteers, many of who are graduates or parents of graduates of the UWC. The main responsibility of the Committee is to select the students to attend the UWC, a task that requires expertise and dedication. Another of its aims is to promote and spread the profile of the UWC Movement in Greece, to make the Movement known, and to support the scholars, before and during their studies.

What is the application process like?

Every autumn the Greek Committee announces the available placements for Greece and accepts applications from students from schools across the country.

Applications received are assessed carefully by members of the Committee, looking for candidates who have the ability to evolve and flourish in the unique setting of the UWC.  Applications and information required from applicants is such that they can give the Committee a good image of candidates, both in academic and personal level. From the set of applications, the short-listed candidates are selected for the next stage of assessment. Selected candidates usually exhibit a combination of academic skills, initiative, social participation through various activities

Selected candidates will be interviewed by 6-7 Committee members who will ask questions – among others – about candidates’ requests, their interests, and their views on various current issues as well as their interest in the UWC movement.

By the end of the interviews, a second selection in made and a number of candidates advances to the next and last selection phase, where they participate in group activities, presentations etc. Of these candidates, the Committee makes the final selection of candidates that would propose for the positions that are available, where applicable.

What are the selection criteria?

We are among the best boarding schools in the world. We maintain this by carefully selecting students who thrive in an international environment, and are well-suited to the challenge of a rigorous curriculum and an experiential learning environment. We’re therefore looking for applicants who bring the following:

  • Intellectual curiosity and motivation: a genuine urge to learn about the world around oneself and the ability to recognise the details and grasp the breadth of issues (for example global and local concerns) involved in any given topic and to analyse them thoroughly 
  • Active commitment: the ability to develop and readiness to reflect, question and confront one’s own values, to measure one’s behaviour within family and community against one’s values, and to act on one’s own beliefs accordingly and responsibly 
  • Social competence: the ability and readiness to make contact with other people, to interact respectfully with them, to work together with them in a team and to achieve solutions; the ability to express oneself adequately in different situations and to different people
  • Resilience, personal responsibility and integrity: the ability to look after oneself physically and emotionally during the challenging and transforming experience that a UWC offers; the personal motivation to adhere to UWC’s common moral and ethical principles, a sense of humility and an ability to listen and value another person’s opinion and experience
  • Motivation for UWC: passion, ability and serious incentive to contribute to and actively promote UWC’s values

Is there scholarship support? What do scholarships cover?

In most cases, yes. Details of scholarship cover will vary and will be announced in January of every year. In most instances, scholarships will cover 30-100% of tuition and board for the full two-year programme. Travel and personal expenses will almost always require a contribution from parents. UWC Greek National Committee raises funds locally to supplement the scholarships provided by UWC International. Therefore, you are strongly encouraged to apply even if your family is unable to contribute.

How are UWC scholarships funded?

The scholarships are funded in part by UWC colleges and schools and in part by the UWC national committees through donations received from various sources. UWC donors include parents of students, alumni, philanthropists, corporations, governments and individuals.

Does it matter that I am not fluent in English?

No. Do not be discouraged from applying to UWC because of a lack of fluency in English. It is not a requirement to apply. Your English proficiency level will be evaluated during the selection process however to determine whether you have the basic communicative abilities you need to fully benefit from a UWC experience.

Can I attend UWC for only one year or transfer into a UWC from another IB school for my last year?

No. At the pre-university colleges, the UWC experience is two years long. There are no opportunities for transfer into or between the schools/colleges.

Can I apply for only one of the places/scholarships? In other words, can I apply to a particular UWC college or school?

No. When you apply, you are showing interest in the UWC movement as a whole. Applications are therefore for the range of scholarships or places on offer. UWC Greek National Committee will decide which successful applicant is best suited for which UWC college/school.

I live in Greece but am not a citizen nor long-term resident of Greece. What should I do to apply to UWC?

Firstly, you should check if you are eligible to apply in your country of citizenship. If you are not eligible to apply there, you may apply through the international quota/direct application system. See the bottom of the selection process page for more details. Please note that if you are eligible to apply in your country of citizenship but missed the application deadline, UWC International will not accept an application from you through the international quota. Also note that applications deadlines vary from country to country and may be as early as December in some.